NHS Blog: House of Commons report 2017 reveals state of NHS England: Statistics on waiting times, beds, and GP and Nurse numbers
By T.J. Coles
9 October 2017
A recent House of Commons Library paper, which can be read here, says of NHS England:
*Number of beds has fallen 5.4% as admissions rose. The use of one-day beds are up by 15.5%.
*Trolley waits for admission went from 513 (daily average) in the year 2013 to 1,491 by 2017.
*The waiting list for consultant-led treatment includes 3.85 million people, a 25% rise in three years.
*Despite a rise in life-threatening calls, ambulance response times have not been met.
*The number of GPs and nurses has fallen but the number of hospital doctors and ambulance staff rose.
*Delayed transfers have increased over 3 years.
*Cancer referrals and MRI scans are up.
It also says that transfer delays have mostly affected people awaiting care packages in their home (up 53%).Waiting for nursing home placements has increased 35%. It goes on say that four-hour waiting times are comparable to 2016’s data but have ‘grown substantially since 2011’.
SOURCE: Carl Baker, NHS Indicators: England, October 2017, House of Commons Library,
3 October 2017.
Dr T.J. Coles is the author of The Great Brexit Swindle (2016, Clairview Books).